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Showing posts from August, 2022

family planning 2.0- question bank & answer

Family planning-question bank and answer 1.  World population growth rate in 2022 is: a. 0.83%           b. 1% c.1.5%           d. 1.35% 2. In 2022, the following country has the highest population growth rate: a. America       b. Japan c. India             d. China 3. Population growth rate of Nepal in 2078 is: a.1%            b. 0.93% c. 1.5%        d. 0.5% 4. Family planning is important for: a. To make the family happy b. Better mental health c. Better child health d. Above all 5. What is the target couple? a. Married couple of 15-49 years b. Couple having two children c. Couple having 2-3 alive children d. Currently married couple 6. Eligible couple means: a. 15-45 yrs. of age with a married couple b. Married couple with age 20-40 years c. 15-45 yrs. unmarried couple d. 15-40 yrs. married couple  7. Non-contraceptive advantages of combined pills are referred to: a. Prevention of ectopic pregnancy b. Iron deficiency anaemia c. Protection of dysmenorrhoea d. Protection against benig

50 powerful questions, answer on new safe motherhood programme

             The question, and answer on the safe motherhood program 1.  Which of the following alert sign should report instantly by the mother? a. Swelling of feet b. Vaginal discharge or bleeding c. Blurred vision d.Above  all 2 .   In pregnancy, the following are  complications of anemia except one is:   a.Erythroblastosis fetalis b. Postpartum hemorrhage c. puerperal sepsis d. premature  birth 3. Congenital syphilitic infection is related with: a. Intellectual disability             b. Stillbirth               c. Perinatal death             d. above a, b and c 4. Infection of a fetus is most likely to occur when primary or secondary syphilis occurs:   a. After 8 months of pregnancy b. After  6 months of pregnancy c. Before  4 months of pregnancy d. Before  2 months of  pregnancy 5. Major defects associated with congenital   rubella are all  except:  a. Microcephaly                    b. Deafness c. Cong